Last Friday, June 2, the Singapore Police announced that they have tracked another fake website that appears like the Singapore Police Force Page which is allegedly being used to scam citizens by obtaining their personal account information such as bank account numbers and credit card details for “investigation purposes”.
Police Advisory released regarding scam using a fake Singapore Police Force (SPF) Website
The Singapore Police Force exposed how the scam works. The victims would receive a call informing them that they have been identified to have a large amount of money in their bank accounts, and are therefore ‘under investigation’ for possible illegal activities. They would then be instructed to access the fake SPF website where they would have to enter their bank account number or credit card information as part of the investigation process.
The police, however, warned the public to be wary of such activities since no government agency in Singapore would require of such highly sensitive information from its citizens whether it be for investigation purposes or otherwise. In addition, the police also urged the public to disregard instructions to remit or send money in such cases, especially from individuals claiming that they represent a government agency or any unknown individual. Giving out personal information over the phone, or on the Internet is very risky and predisposes any individual to illegal activities such as theft and abuse.
Lastly, the Singapore Police Force clarified that the agency’s official web address is They also instructed the public to dial the police hotline (1800-255-0000) for any suspicious activities that they may come across online. There is also a dedicated anti-scam hotline (1800-722-6688) and website ( which the public may access for any scam-related incidents.
Just last year, there has been a reported rise on scamming-related incidents in Singapore as per the Ministry of Manpower (MOM). With this kind of news resurfacing once more, the public are thoroughly encouraged to be more vigilant, especially with their dealings and transactions done online or over phone calls. If anything, citizens should be very careful with their financial transactions and use of personal information as there is a steady threat of breach of privacy and abuse, most especially nowadays that almost everything is done with the use of the Internet.