Embassy Advisory on Novel Coronavirus Infection in Singapore

To everyone, the Embassy of the Philippines in Singapore has posted an advisory regarding Novel Coronavirus infection in Singapore. It advises everyone to stay vigilant and careful and be aware of the symptoms as well as the precautions one needs to take to prevent the infection.

The Novel Coronavirus was first spotted in China in early December 2019 and recently the Ministry of Health of Singapore has reported a case who arrived in the city with his family. Please check out the full details below and be cautious.Embassy Advisory Coronavirus

Embassy Advisory on Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) Infection in Singapore

Novel Coronavirus (2019-nCoV) is a new strain of coronavirus which causes respiratory illness. This outbreak began in Wuhan City, Hubei Province, China in early December 2019.

The Ministry of Health (MOH) of Singapore reports a confirmed case of novel coronavirus infection: a 66-year old male from Wuhan City who arrived in Singapore with his family on 20 January 2020. He is now warded in an isolation room at the Singapore General Hospital and in stable condition.

MOH reports a suspect case: a 53-year old female from Wuhan City. MOH was notified of this suspect case on 23 January. The result of her confirmatory test is pending. Her condition is stable.

MOH is doing contact tracing on persons who have been in contact with the male’s traveling companions.

The public hospitals of Singapore are implementing precautionary measures to screen and manage suspect and confirmed cases. MOH has also reminded doctors and healthcare workers to be highly vigilant, and maintain strict infection control and prevention measures.

In the Philippines, three Chinese tourists from Wuhan City are now under observation in separate hospitals: one (a 5-year old boy) in Cebu City and two in Bohol. The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines (CAAP) has suspended all flights from Wuhan City to the Philippines. All airports have reactivated communicable disease preparedness procedures and will quarantine any passenger who shows symptoms of any flu-like illness.

Typical Symptoms of Novel Coronavirus

Cough, runny nose, fever, shortness of breath

Precautions to Take

  • Avoid contact with live animals (including poultry and birds) and consumption of raw, undercooked food;
  • Avoid crowded places and close contact with people who are unwell or showing symptoms of illness;
  • Observe good personal hygiene;
  • Practise frequent hand washing with soap (e.g. before handling foor or eating, after going to toilet, or when hands are dirtied by respiratory secretions after coughing or sneezing);
  • Wear a mask if you have respiratory symptoms, cough or shortness of breath;
  • Cover your mouth with a tissue paper when coughing or sneezing, and sispose the soiled tissue paper in the rubbish bin immediately;
  • Seek medical attention immediately if feeling unwell.

For official updates
Visit the Ministry of Health website (www.moh.gov.sh) “Update on Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia”

24 January 2020